
Kepserverex iec 104
Kepserverex iec 104

Voltage between the return circuit and the earth structure through a high accuracy sensor. / DATA COLLECTION FROM VGuard (VOLTAGE LIMITING DEVICE)already compatible with SCMS, the Vguard collects measurement along the line and transmits data via possible communication protocol. Potential of the railcompared to the neutralwith insulation deficiency Potential of the railcompared to the neutralwithout insulation deficiency The SCMS can adapt to either an existing or a new network. The requirements of the standard before the reference recording. the line must be certified healthy and compliant with Dependent of the line operation (trains, headway, / DISADVANTAGES relative and indirect measure. Best arrangement to monitor level of stray current.

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no interference with Stray Current Collecting System. / ADVANTAGES Measure more simple and practical. The SCMS is based on a rail potential measure. The track potential can be used to ensure the healthy of the insulation and determine a modification in behavior of the stray current by comparison with the reference curves. PRINCIPLE OF SCMS IN FLOATING CASEas the return is floating, the potential between earth and rails fluctuates.Ī healthy system presents a specific voltage profile called reference or imprint.Ī deficiency of insulation between the rail and the earth will modify this voltage distribution.


D Data acquisition and transmission through the communication network.ĭ integration of specific algorithm depending on the type of network.ĭ Permanent automatic analysis of recorded values and manual analysis possible.ĭ alarm and localization of the detected fault.ĭ export and backup of measured and recorded values. MAIN BENEFITSMAIN BENEFITS D Set up of network lines and stations, up to 10 lines and 100 control points.

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Line, represents a low resistance current path and is therefore fundamentally vulnerable to the effects of stray currents.ġ ampere of stray current can oxidize 9.11 kilograms of iron per year. any metallic structure buried in soil, for example a pipe The stray currents are defined as the currents that has deviated from their intended paths. The system measures continuously the rail-to-earth potential under operational conditions, complete with central analysis, visualization, signaling and archiving capacities. Scheron Stray Current Monitoring System (SCMS) is a straightforward and efficient method of stray current monitoring avoiding manual repetitive measurement and any interference with the stray current collecting system. In this scope, the european standard en-50122-2:2011 (annex B) recommends a continuous supervision of the rail insulation. GENERAL INFORMATIONthe operation of DC traction systems requires suitable measures to prevent corrosion caused by stray currents on railway and non-railway installations.

Kepserverex iec 104